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The rules and/or regulations set forth herein are designed to provide for the orderly conduct of racing events and to establish minimum acceptable requirements for such events. These rules shall govern the condition of all events, and, by participating in these events all participants are deemed to have complied with these rules:
Hartford Speedway officials shall be empowered to permit minor deviation from any of the specifications herein or impose any further restrictions that, in their opinion, do not alter the minimum acceptable requirements.
Any interpretation or deviation of these rules is left to the discretion of the officials, whose decision is final.
a) Drivers must be at least 14 years old in all classes except Mini Wedge kid cars.
b) All drivers are required at any time to submit to a physical examination or drug test whenever requested by Hartford Speedway officials.
c) Any injured or suspended driver or team member shall not participate in any event without approval of Hartford Speedway officials. Hartford Speedway officials have the right to request a doctor’s release at any time.
d) The driver and car owner assumes responsibility of the actions of their pit crew.
e) Any car may be subject to inspection by Hartford Speedway officials at any time.
f) The score booth and flag stand are off limits to drivers, owners, crew and/or family members and to the general public.
g) Rough driving and/or unsportsmanlike conduct interactions are subject to penalties and/or disqualification to be determined by Hartford Speedway officials. This rule includes anyone connected with the car and includes conduct on and off the track.
h) Before entering the pit area, a release must be signed by everyone – no exceptions. Entering the pit area without a signed release and approval from Hartford Speedway officials are prohibited.
I) No open fires or open flame grills allowed in the pit area.
j) Owners, drivers, and/or pit crews shall have no claims against or cause of action for damages or expenses against Hartford Speedway or its officials by reason of disqualification or damage to either driver, car or both.
k) There will be no dumping of any type of petroleum product on Hartford Speedway grounds or may any tires be left on the property. Violation of this rule will result in a fine, suspension, or both.
l) At no time will non-competing members be allowed on the track, across the track or in the infield without approval of Hartford Speedway officials.
m) The interpretation of rules pertaining to race procedure or scoring positions by Hartford Speedway officials shall be final.
n) On non-qualifying events, heats are to be determined by a pill drawing. Each driver, their family or team members may draw the pill. All pill drawings will be completed at 7:00 p.m. (Eastern). Failure to draw a pill will result in your car being placed at the end of the line. One pill drawn only per car/driver in each division.
o) Misconduct: Each person signing into the pit area is expected to conduct himself or herself in a sportsman or sportswoman-like manner on and off the track. Good conduct includes, but is not limited to the following:
1. No fighting and/or no behavior threatening violence on property. Anyone involved in violence will be subject to following penalties:
First Offense- Forfeiture of all prize money and championship points from the night of infraction plus a one week suspension.
Second Offense- Forfeiture of all prize money and all championship points plus suspension for the reminder of the year from all speedway events.
2. No possession of illegal drugs, drug paraphernalia or weapons of any kind permitted on premises.
3. No use of alcoholic beverages permitted immediately before or during a racing program.
4. Respect for all track officials and a willingness to accept their decisions and directions.
5. No public address interviews, display of signs, or designs on racecars that use obscenity or profanity, or are considered in bad taste by track officials.
6. Sportsmanship and professional behavior required at all times throughout the year. Actions deemed detrimental to racing or Hartford Speedway are subject to misconduct penalties. This includes and is not limited to posts on social media, emails, and websites.
7. STRICT ADHERENCE to pit gate sign-in procedures.
8. Good faith adherence to all track procedures and class competition requirements. By participating in the race program, each participant agrees to faithfully follow all car and competition rules and to accept the decisions and directions of track officials in regards to rule enforcement.
• Suspension from competition for the remainder of the night.
• Points reduction and/or probation
• Disqualification – all points (appearance & competition) and money forfeited for the night and/or a two (2) – race suspension will be imposed.
• Indefinite Suspension. (All points forfeited for the year)
p. Hartford Speedway may implement a time limit on heat and feature races at the discretion of the track officials. Time limits will start from the moment of the first caution flag.
q. All event winnings must be picked up at the payout booth on race day or within 2 shows. Payout window will close 20 minutes after completion of last A-Main.
r. RaceCeivers: One way radios are required for all competitors competing at Hartford Speedway (Freq. 454.000). It is the responsibility of every driver to ensure that their radio is working for the entirety of any event. Failure to respond to instructions issued over RaceCeiver will result in a black flag. Competitors may return to the race track once their radio is working.
s. Additionally: Hartford Speedway is private property. The management reserves the right to refuse entry to any individual(s) onto the property and further reserves the right to eject any individual(s) from the premises at any time, if in our discretion, we determine the individual(s) presence or conduct is not in the best interest of Hartford Speedway. In addition, the management reserves the right to suspend, disqualify, bar, and/or fine (with payment as a condition of further competition) any individual(s) who, in our discretion, is engaged in misconduct, and/or whose presence or conduct is deemed not to be in the best interest of Hartford Speedway. The duration and severity of any such action shall be determined solely by the management.
t. Exiting your vehicle on track: Any driver getting out of their race vehicle on the racetrack during any event on the racetrack is subject to disqualification, fine and/or suspension. They only exceptions are if the driver is under a life threatening situation (vehicle on fire) or the driver has been directed by safety or competition staff to exit their vehicle either in person or by radio communication during a red / yellow flag situation.
The start of the race commences when the green flag waves. At that time, no alternatives will be added. To receive “start” money you must present your car on track for A-Main or B-Main.
Hartford Speedway will utilize a judgment call with input from spotters stationed around the speedway. In the event a unanimous decision by speedway officials cannot be made all cars that came to a stop at the moment of the incident will be placed at the tail. Once you have caused TWO single car caution yellow or red flags, or any combination of the two, in the same event, you will be black flagged. If you leave the track and then return, you will be sent to the rear of the scored lap group. Any car penalized for rough driving will be charged with a yellow. Any car charged with the yellow will start at the tail of the field behind all cars. A yellow will not be thrown for any car safely sitting off the track with the exception of the turn 3 exit being blocked by a stalled car.
Any car causing a red flag will be sent to the rear of the scored lap group. In the event of a red flag, if you leave the track or change a tire, you will be sent to the rear of the scored lap group. Cars may exit the track under a red flag condition only if given instructions over radio or speedway officials and only if you do not have to pass safety workers. (If a yellow or red flag must be thrown after the checkered flag is taken, the race is officially over. Those cars not crossing the finish line before the red/yellow will be scored in the position they were in on the last green flag lap. Any car charged with a yellow or red flag that had not taken the checkered will be scored by flag procedure.)
If the black flag is waved at you, you are to immediately exit the speedway. If the black flag is pointed at you, you have been given a warning. Any car that is deemed unsafe will be black – flagged. (Flat tire, loose sheet metal or bar, etc.) Any driver that intentionally causes a yellow flag or delays the race, will be black flagged.
All starts will be double file and will receive the green flag at the start zone in turn 4. A complete lap is scored when the race leader crosses the start/finish line. Restarts will be single file in Heat races, Delaware double file for B-Mains & Feature events until five laps remain where all restarts will be single file. If in the interest of program efficiency, speedway officials may use a single file restart in any event. Once the lead cars reach the turn 4 start zone, its green everywhere. Race line-ups will be posted in advance in which you will be responsible to know which races you will be starting in and your starting position.
Failure of any driver to get into your designated position or to allow another driver into their designated position as directed by track officials will result in a black flag. If you are not on the track in any event by the given amount of time, you will be sent to the tail. If the one lap signal has been given, you are not allowed to enter the track.
The front row will bring the field to the turn 4 start zone at a moderate speed side by side, nose to tail. The field must stay side by side until the leaders start at the turn 4 stripe/line. If front row starters do not produce a good start, they will be moved back 1 row/position. If you pass before the leaders reach the start zone, you will be penalized three positions for every car passed. On restarts (nose to tail), if you pass another car before the leader starts the race at turn 4 start zone or are out of single file position, you will be penalized three positions for every car passed or penalized three positions for being out of single file order. If a car gives back the positions on a jumped restart before the flag stand there will not be a penalty. All penalties will be assessed on the next yellow flag or checker flag (which ever happens first).
Lapped cars will be positioned at the rear of the field in all races on restarts. If lapped 2 times you will be black flagged and done for the event.
Any driver who stops on the track to protest will be disqualified. No work will be done on the track by safety workers.
If a qualified driver does not race in their own car, the driver may elect to switch to another participating car that is qualified for the event, but must start at the rear of the field for that event. No switching of cars will be permitted during a race.
Any driver who intentionally passes the pace vehicle on the track during race activity will be fined $50.00 and sent to the rear of the scored lap group. Any driver that passes the leaders once they are staged will be sent to the rear of the scored lap group. Drivers may only pass the pace car if they are instructed to do so over the RaceCeiver one way radio.
When entering the track for all events (Hot Laps, Heats, B Main, or A Main) all vehicles (race cars) will remain at idle speed until you are directed by a track official to take off or to get in line. Failure to do so will result in offending car being placed on the tail of that event or directed off the race track.
All cars entering the pits must do so at idle speed. Any cars moving at high rates of speed or in an unsafe manner in the pit area will be subject to a penalty for misconduct at the discretion of track officials.
If you are involved in an accident and you have a part that is about to come off, we will attempt to remove the part or adjust your sheet metal or tubing so you can continue to race. If we cannot remove or adjust the part within a very short period of time, you will be required to leave the track.
14. No additional cars may enter a race after the initial green flag has been taken.
15. All cars must run in their posted event. (No switching heat races or B-mains.)
16. Any race that is scored halfway or beyond and is cancelled due to weather, act of nature, or any situation beyond the control of track officials, etc. will be counted as a complete race.
17. Scale Procedures:
– Announced at drivers meeting.
– Top-5 Cars in all divisions will be required to scale after every A-Main event (No scaling for Heats or B-Mains).
– If a car fails to scale or meet minimum weight the car is disqualified and will be paid last place money and points.
– Cars must proceed directly to the scales after the completion of the A-Main (race winners will scale AFTER going to victory lane). If any car goes to their pit first prior to scaling the car will be disqualified and will be paid last place money and points.
18. All cars are subject to random inspections and/or weight checks at any time during a race event.
19. Any car/driver found to be using traction control devices will be suspended from competition for one year.
20. Any excessive speed, inappropriate/unapproved actions or failure to follow the direction of officials while under a yellow/red flag condition may result in the driver being sent to the tail, black flag or other misconduct penalties.