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Rules & Procedure


All glass must be removed (except windshield) including tail lights, head lights and mirrors. All bumpers must be stock appearing. Any reinforcements added must be behind the bumper and not visible from outside of vehicle. Lap belt required (racing seat belts recommended). Helmets mandatory (fire suit and gloves recommended). All drivers must remain in vehicle when red flag is displayed until a track official tells you it is safe to exit. Anyone exiting vehicle before track official gives you the okay will be disqualified from race & forfeit any purse or awards for remainder of events. No vulgar or obscene lettering on any vehicle on speedway property. No driver’s compartment side hits. No vulgar language or obscene jester towards any race official. Track officials have final word on vehicle’s safety and race worthiness


Overall trailer length: 10-16 feet trailers are suggested (MINIMUM TRAILER SIZE IS 5X8). No yard type trailers will be allowed. Suggestions are travel trailers, pop-up tent campers, boat trailers and snowmobile trailers. No single wheel trailers and ABSOLUTELY NO PIPE TRAILERS ALLOWED. Boat trailers must have a boat tied down on it; snowmobile trailers cannot be empty. Trailers MUST have a decorative load, If you bring a boat you must be able to take it back or may be charged a disposal fee of $100.00. Pop-up trailers okay, as long as it meets minimum length rule of 8 feet. Pop ups must be raced in fully extended (popped-up) position. Trailer cannot be rigged to self-destruct, leaving only frame to continue racing and must be able to race without falling apart. Trailers should be destroyed only upon impact with another vehicle. If trailer is rigged to self-destruct, thereby gaining a racing advantage, that driver will be disqualified and forfeit any purse or awards. All appliances and heating/cooling units must be removed . Trailers must be completely cleaned out inside, removing everything that is not part of a unit. Tongue must be attached to tow vehicle by hitch ball, free pivoting. One safety chain is allowed, however, NO equalizer bars are allowed. No ballast or weight allowed to be added. Tow vehicles can be trucks, vans or cars. No 4-wheel drives, all wheel drives, or any 1 ton + tow vehicles. No anti-freeze in any vehicle on racing surface. Fiberglass boats and tires must be taken home with you or a $100.00 disposal fee could be imposed.



Finish race with your trailer attached while separating the trailer of your competitors from their tow vehicles. If you lose your trailer, you are done with your race and must leave the track if possible. You will be scored accordingly, if you fail to leave the track after the loss of your trailer you will be disqualified, black-flagged and forfeit any purse or awards. You must retain the axle of your trailer to remain in the race. If you lose your trailer axle, you must exit the racing surface. No trailer tongues only will be allowed to remain in the race. If you purposely hit the driver’s door of a tow vehicle you will be disqualified immediately. Length of race is 20 laps unless only one trailer/tow vehicle remains intact, in that event, they will be declared the winner





© Hartford Speedway•301 Bowie Street, Hartford, MI 40457•   

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